In the familiar passages of II Chronicles 7, God states “But if ye….” The Father’s promises are conditional, either we obey and love Him or we turn away from the truth. The possibility of forfeiture is fully stated in II Chronicles 7:19-20. The penalty is issued to Israel and also to America. God stipulates promises and warnings to His nations, families and individuals.
Americans, and especially Christian Americans, need to regain a Godly conscience. We need to cultivate again an awareness or perception of the events that are taking place in our great nation. It is time that “judgment begins at the House of God:” I Peter 4:17. God’s churches will lose her light and salt. Her light will get dimmer with the possibility of totally being extinguished.
There are strong adjectives used to describe the depravity of our culture. Some examples are appalling, shocking, seared consciousness and apathetic. Our American society is deemed as being unscrupulous, beyond reason and not governed by a Godly clear conscience.
It is unconscionable and appalling at the number of professed Christians who cast their votes along party lines. The term “value voting” needs to be established as a guideline for Christians when voting for candidates. Take a long, hard look at the core values and the platforms of political candidates.
It is unconscionable that the Ten Commandments and other religious scriptures are being removed from public buildings and government/school offices. One does not have to go far to hear lewd language, see sexual images and other ungodly promotions advertised, yet God’s word is being removed at a rapid pace. We need to regain a conscience.
Appalling and unconscionable are befitting words to describe the deeds to have “under God” removed from the Pledge of Allegiance. Our nation has been and will always be under the mighty hand of God. Peter declares in I Peter 5:6…”humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.” Perhaps, America is losing its prominence in the world due to the fact that we are too proud and arrogant and have not humbled ourselves “under God.”
It is unconscionable that our nation is reconsidering its relationship with the nation of Israel and its Prime Minister in recent months. Joel warned us in Joel 3:2-3 “I will also gather all nations…and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel…” There is a supernatural curse attached to Israel and its land. Cursed is the nation that harms Israel.
How did these “unconscionable” attitudes develop? The “anything goes” philosophy has seen growth in recent years. Born-again Christians appear to have lost their back-bone. Some churches have forgotten their responsibility to rebuke sin and transgression. Teaching, preaching, and living God’s Word helps Christians to develop a strong, healthy, Godly conscience.
We need to regain our conscience. One might ask?
Where are the Babylonians?
Where are the Greeks?
Where are the Romans?
Will they one day, ask…………..Where are the Americans?
Recommended Readings to enhance this article:
“Can America Survive?” John Hagee
“Politics” Wayne Grudem
“I Never Thought I’d See the Day ” David Jeremiah
“The American Patriot Bible” Richard G Lee
Americans, and especially Christian Americans, need to regain a Godly conscience. We need to cultivate again an awareness or perception of the events that are taking place in our great nation. It is time that “judgment begins at the House of God:” I Peter 4:17. God’s churches will lose her light and salt. Her light will get dimmer with the possibility of totally being extinguished.
There are strong adjectives used to describe the depravity of our culture. Some examples are appalling, shocking, seared consciousness and apathetic. Our American society is deemed as being unscrupulous, beyond reason and not governed by a Godly clear conscience.
It is unconscionable and appalling at the number of professed Christians who cast their votes along party lines. The term “value voting” needs to be established as a guideline for Christians when voting for candidates. Take a long, hard look at the core values and the platforms of political candidates.
It is unconscionable that the Ten Commandments and other religious scriptures are being removed from public buildings and government/school offices. One does not have to go far to hear lewd language, see sexual images and other ungodly promotions advertised, yet God’s word is being removed at a rapid pace. We need to regain a conscience.
Appalling and unconscionable are befitting words to describe the deeds to have “under God” removed from the Pledge of Allegiance. Our nation has been and will always be under the mighty hand of God. Peter declares in I Peter 5:6…”humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time.” Perhaps, America is losing its prominence in the world due to the fact that we are too proud and arrogant and have not humbled ourselves “under God.”
It is unconscionable that our nation is reconsidering its relationship with the nation of Israel and its Prime Minister in recent months. Joel warned us in Joel 3:2-3 “I will also gather all nations…and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel…” There is a supernatural curse attached to Israel and its land. Cursed is the nation that harms Israel.
How did these “unconscionable” attitudes develop? The “anything goes” philosophy has seen growth in recent years. Born-again Christians appear to have lost their back-bone. Some churches have forgotten their responsibility to rebuke sin and transgression. Teaching, preaching, and living God’s Word helps Christians to develop a strong, healthy, Godly conscience.
We need to regain our conscience. One might ask?
Where are the Babylonians?
Where are the Greeks?
Where are the Romans?
Will they one day, ask…………..Where are the Americans?
Recommended Readings to enhance this article:
“Can America Survive?” John Hagee
“Politics” Wayne Grudem
“I Never Thought I’d See the Day ” David Jeremiah
“The American Patriot Bible” Richard G Lee