Media Bias - Isaiah 56:10
Washington, DC
The Adams Review - Is the Church Unfair to Women?
The Adams Review - The Poor Among Us
The latest Census Bureau data indicates that one in every ten Americans are considered poor. Overseas, the conditions are even worse. “The World Food Council tells us that a third of the children in the world die of malnutrition and disease before they have five birthdays.” Time Magazine The Chicago Tribune report states, “each year 100,000 children go blind because of lack of vitamin A in their diets.” Click here to read entire article.
The Adams' Review
The Adams' Review
The Adams' Review
Francis Bellamy, a clergyman and editor of “Youth Companion” is believed to have written the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag in September, 1892:
“I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. (Click here to read entire article.)
The Adams' Review
The Adams' Review
The Adams' Review
Recently I was reading the November edition of Focus on the Family “Citizen” Magazine. An article by Tom Minnery jumped off the page. He states “I’ve been to many conservative conferences over the years, and I’ve heard many politicians speak at those meetings, but not long ago, there was a first.” Click here to read entire article.
The Adams' Review
The Adams' Review
Organization has selected the Moral Action as their
2009-2010 national project. Click here to read entire report.
The Adams' Review
II Corinthians 3:17 states “Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”
The Word of God abounds with words promoting freedom. We should feel comfortable talking about religion in our nation. Our Founding Fathers prohibited a Federal establishment of religion, but there is not a single thread of evidence that they intended to set up a wall of separation between the state and religious belief. The first amendment of the U.S. Constitution was not written to protect the citizens from religion, but was penned to protect religion from government tyranny. (Click here to read entire review.)
The Adams' Review
Dr. James Dobson, family psychologist and Founder of Focus on the Family, states, “most Christians seem to believe that pornography is characterized by air-brushed nudity in men’s magazines, but “mainstream porn” has become far more perverse in recent years focusing on rape, incest, defecation, urination, mutilation, bestiality, vomiting, enemas, homosexuality, and sadomasochistic activity.” Click here to read entire review.
The Adams' Review
Euthanasia is morally and biblically wrong. Euthanasia is defined as “the act or practice of ending the life of a person suffering from an incurable illness or injury, or better known as mercy killing.” As believers, we should seek to safeguard the God-given right to life, to which each person is entitled. Click here to read entire review.
The Adams' Review
David, the shepherd King, declared in Psalms 139...”thou hast covered me in my mother’s womb...thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect.” We agree with King David that life begins at the time of conception, and that God is watchful even over the embryo in the womb. Click here to read entire review.