Meet Our Executive Director

Message from the Director:
America is in a "Valley of Decision" as Joel 3:14 declared in the Old Testament. We recognize the desire by satanic forces to silence the voice of Christ and His church. A recent video, "Speechless - Silencing the Christians" a joint effort of the Inspirational Network and the American Family Association vividly portrays this. But we that believe in Godly, Biblical convictions cannot sit idly by - our voice must be heard. BMA churches believe in the home, morality, the Bible, the church, and the greatness and power of God.
The main battlefront today is for our children. Whoever controls the children controls the future. There is an agenda today to guide children in American from God via television, books, movies, public school mandates, etc. Such organizations as the A.C.L.U. are leading the battle in our courts to remove God from our children in the public schools. The New Testament church has a mandate and unlimited opportunity to engage our children in the teaching of the Word through Sunday School, VBS, AWANA, Galileans, GMA's, church camps and youth groups.
The Moral Action Committee continues to promote Biblical morality and to strongly oppose the evils of our time, such as alcohol, child and drug abuse, sodomy, homosexuality, pornography, gambling, abortion, euthanasia, and extreme political agendas. Please pray that God will use this work for His Cause.
- Dr. John M. Adams, Jr.
Dr. John M. Adams, Jr., is a native of Mississippi. He was born September 8, 1950, in Canton to J. M. and Gladys Adams. He and his wife have a son, a daughter and a grandchild.
Adams received his high school diploma in 1968 from Benton High School, Benton, Mississippi; his Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1975 from Southeastern College, Laurel, Mississippi; The Master of Divinity Degree from Luther Rice Seminary, Jacksonville, Florida in 1978 and the Doctor of Ministry Degree in 1980 from Luther Rice Seminary. Adams received the Master of Education Degree from the College of Education, Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas in 1983. He received national certification in History at Southern Arkansas University, Magnolia, AR in 1987.
Adams became a Christian in 1969 and surrendered to the ministry in 1970. He has served as Senior Pastor in churches of Mississippi, Texas, Colorado, and Arkansas. Dr. Adams presently serves as Executive Director of Moral Action of Mississippi and the national organization, Moral Action of BMA.