The Election and the Supreme Court
The November election will eventually produce a change in the makeup of the United States Supreme Court. The power grab by this court is a modern phenomenon.
The most dangerous change would be a more liberal court with the desire to remove “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance. We believers must pray that God will protect this allegiance.
Five Chief Justices decided that our nation could not pray in school or display the Ten Commandments. Therefore, we have lost not only freedom rights but spiritual rights.
Of great interest, is the book by Newt Gingrich entitled, “Rediscovering God in America.” I quote from his book, “if they (the Supreme Court) decide for example that virtual child pornography on the internet is protected by free speech while having already ruled that prayer and political speech are not, then they are not only arbitrarily rewriting the law of the land but are usurping the legitimate rights of the legislative branch of our government to make the laws.”
The liberal and elite media are systematically attempting to purge all religious thought and words from the American public life. Please pray, pray, pray, as Associational Baptist. Write and call your legislators.
As We Approach Thanksgiving
President George Washington declared in his Thanksgiving proclamation, October 3, 1789, “It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the Providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor.”
How much more, that we have an obligation before God, both as individuals and a nation, to honor our Lord and Savior. May we be ever so thankful for our great nation. Let us as BMA people gather this Thanksgiving around our church and home tables with a grateful heart and earnestly implore God’s blessing on our nation as we seek his will for our nation.
As We Approach Christmas
Likewise, we will be approaching the Christmas season. The forefront of our focus is to keep Christ in the holiday season. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is fervently attempting to have any reference to Christ removed from the season. Their assault is relentless so we must resolve to keep Christ in Christmas.
According to Alan Sears, President of the Alliance Defense Fund, even after years of legal assaults and confusing rulings:
1) It is still ok to sing Christmas carols,
2) It’s ok for schools to call Christmas “Christmas,”
3) School districts and courts cannot ban individuals from saying “Merry Christmas,”
4) Schools and churches may teach about the religious origin of Christmas,
5) Schools may display religious symbols, such as the nativity scene, shepherd scenes, etc,
6) Cities and towns may sponsor Christmas Nativity scenes in public parks and on public lands.
John Leo of the U.S. News and World Report, wrote the following poem with a tongue in cheek approach about the liberal ACLU and Christmas:
“Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.
In hope that St. Nicholas soon would be there.
When out on a lawn there arose such a clatter.
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
There was Santa again, on his annual journeys,
Ensnared in a group of eight tiny attorneys.
They looked pretty grim and they threatened to sue,
So we knew in a flash - “It’s the ACLU!”
They paid us no heed, but went straight to their work,
Handcuffing poor Santa, then said with a smirk:
“This is secular airspace, we can’t have a saint
Flying our flightpaths - we need some restraint.
A sleigh full of toys is OK, we suppose,
But faith-based incursions we’ve got to oppose.”
Litigation on Christmas is something we dread,
So we nestled our children all under their beds,
The grinch doesn’t scare them, and Scrooge they see through,
But what kids are prepared for the ACLU?
The reindeer were shackled as a further incitement,
Then the lawyers unpackaged a 12-count indictment.
“Merry Christmas to all!” they just had to foreclose
(Though they had no complaint about all the “Ho Hos”).
One lawyer objected to Santa’s red clothing.
“It’s religiously tainted,” he said with some loathing.
“Poinsettias (the red ones) everybody must note, are
A church-state offense in St. Paul, Minnesota!”
Santa’s climb up each chimney (one lawyer made mention)
Is a symbolic reference of Jesus’ ascension.
And the reindeer, of course, recall the Apostles,
And those who deny it are nothing but fossils.
These lawyers had labored at neighborhood schools,
Making Christmas extinct there as part of the rules.
Praise Kwanza or Ramadan-they think it’s quite splendid,
But say “Merry Christmas” and you might get suspended.
Our children, God bless them, don’t get or recall
Why “inclusiveness” doesn’t include them all.
Why diversity theory (as the lawyers insist) must
Require the annual quashing of Christmas.
In Canada, home of post-everything living,
Now the “12 Days of Christmas” are “The 12 Days of Giving.”
Christmas trees aren’t party to the season at all,
They buy “multi cultural trees” at the mall.
At a hospital (Catholic), the staff is ashamed
To use the word Christmas, so their tree is misnamed.
As a “care tree,” though some would prefer “tree of life.”
(Why not “tall lit-up flora” to avoid any strife?)
Australians are told they should have no compunctions
Calling parties at Christmastime “end of the year functions.”
The idea is to make Christmas somehow unmentionable.
A tactic I think of as wholly contemptionable.
Instead of “White Christmas” they will probably sing,
“I’m dreaming of a snow day sometimes in pre-Spring.”
Here’s my suggestion, a harsh one I fear,
Why not call Christmas “Christmas?” (It’s just an idea)
So, BMA folks, let’s step up to the plate and show others around us what Thanksgiving and Christmas is really about. It is about Christ. We will not be robbed of “joy to the world.”
Book Recommendations
1. Culture Shift by Albert Mohler Multnomah Press $15
2. The Truth War by John MacArthur Thomas Nelson Publishers $23
Trustee of the Month
Bro. Bobby Hudgens’ hometown is Waldo, AR. He graduated from Southern Arkansas University, Magnolia, with a Bachelor of Music Education. He has been married for 36 years to Donna Ferguson and they have three married children: John, Emily, and Rebekah. They have one grandson. Bro. Bobby was on staff at Temple Church, Little Rock for 27 years. He is the Research and Development Officer at DiscipleGuide Resources and the Worship leader at Richmond Road Baptist Church, Texarkana, TX. It is an honor to serve with Bro. Bobby on the MAC.
Churches Supporting the MAC:
Round Prairie, Fairfield, TX
Unity, Hope, AR
First, Carthage, TX
Trace City, Natchez, MS
Pine Grove, Purvis, MS