Moral Action Booth in Springfield, MO
I would like to encourage all pastors, messengers, and church laity to visit the Moral Action Booth at the National Associational meeting, April 20-22, 2015, Springfield, MO. There will be plenty of materials available for you. Included will be pens, note pads, videos, and promotional literatures. Please stop by and visit. Remember, we represent you in this ministry.
“God and Country Rallies”
I have had the honor to participate in fourteen “God and Country” rallies across the BMA. Feel free to contact me if your churches are interested in scheduling an area wide or associational event. These are one-night patriotic events. Plans are being made at this time in 2015 for rallies in Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi.
Moral Action Freedom Offerings
Please make plans to give financial gifts to this department for the July 4th Freedom Celebration. Since July 4th will be on a Saturday this year, we are suggesting that you consider giving your offerings on June 28 or July 5. We need your gift, whether large or small.
Moral Action on the Web
Visit our site at ( You will find much information related to this ministry. Some of the topics included are our purpose, current trustees, and morality action alerts. You may visit the Moral Action archives for past and present articles of interest. There are links to the U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives and the Supreme Court. You will find access to Focus on the Family, American Family Association and the Family Research Council. Contacts are also listed for myself and this ministry whether by email, telephone, or written communication. We would be honored to hear from each of you.
National Day of Prayer (NDOP)
The National Day of prayer is fast approaching. The date is May 7, 2015. It is time for your church to select a leader/director who will lead out in the prayer efforts. We desperately need intercessory prayer for our nation and its leaders. Suggested places of prayers are church auditoriums, flag poles, local courthouses, or town/city halls. It is vital that our BMA family actively participate in this yearly national event. If you need more info: go to or use a computer search engine for National Day of Prayer. You may also telephone: 1-719-559-9560 for information.
Recommended Readings by Dr. Adams:
I would like to encourage all pastors, messengers, and church laity to visit the Moral Action Booth at the National Associational meeting, April 20-22, 2015, Springfield, MO. There will be plenty of materials available for you. Included will be pens, note pads, videos, and promotional literatures. Please stop by and visit. Remember, we represent you in this ministry.
“God and Country Rallies”
I have had the honor to participate in fourteen “God and Country” rallies across the BMA. Feel free to contact me if your churches are interested in scheduling an area wide or associational event. These are one-night patriotic events. Plans are being made at this time in 2015 for rallies in Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi.
Moral Action Freedom Offerings
Please make plans to give financial gifts to this department for the July 4th Freedom Celebration. Since July 4th will be on a Saturday this year, we are suggesting that you consider giving your offerings on June 28 or July 5. We need your gift, whether large or small.
Moral Action on the Web
Visit our site at ( You will find much information related to this ministry. Some of the topics included are our purpose, current trustees, and morality action alerts. You may visit the Moral Action archives for past and present articles of interest. There are links to the U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representatives and the Supreme Court. You will find access to Focus on the Family, American Family Association and the Family Research Council. Contacts are also listed for myself and this ministry whether by email, telephone, or written communication. We would be honored to hear from each of you.
National Day of Prayer (NDOP)
The National Day of prayer is fast approaching. The date is May 7, 2015. It is time for your church to select a leader/director who will lead out in the prayer efforts. We desperately need intercessory prayer for our nation and its leaders. Suggested places of prayers are church auditoriums, flag poles, local courthouses, or town/city halls. It is vital that our BMA family actively participate in this yearly national event. If you need more info: go to or use a computer search engine for National Day of Prayer. You may also telephone: 1-719-559-9560 for information.
Recommended Readings by Dr. Adams:
- Personal Faith, Public Policy by Harry Jackson, Tony Perkins Front Line Publishers $21.00
- Saving Freedom by former Senator Jim DeMint Fidelis Books $26.00
- Indivisible by Jay Richards and J Robison Faith Words $22.00
- 41 – A Portrait of My Father George W. Bush Crown Publishers $28.00
- Unveiling Islam by Ergun Caner Kregel Publishers $21.00