Sanctity of Human Life
The MAC has ten summary statements. Number two states, “We (BMA churches) believe in the sanctity of human life, and thus support a Human Life Amendment to protect the lives of the innocent unborn.” We are truly passionate about the life of the unborn and so therefore, we are aware of the challenges that faces supporters in America. As American citizens and Christians there are some fundamental issues that we cannot ignore. Of top importance, at this time, are the agendas of the Presidential candidates and their stand on abortion/pro-choice or pro-life.
Senator Barack Obama and Senator John McCain recently commented and voiced their views on the forum hosted by Pastor Rick Warren. The following is a transcript of their discussion:
Pastor Warren: “At what point does a baby get human rights”
Senator Obama: “I think that whether you are looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity, you know, is above my paygrade”
According to Tim Wildmon, of American Family Radio, “So Senator “O” in other words says, “Beats Me” and “that is the answer from a man who wants to be President on the most debated issue of our time”
Pastor Warren: “At what point does a baby get human rights”
Senator McCain: “I will be a pro-life President and this presidency will have pro-life policies”
The National Right to Life endorsed Senator McCain in April, 2008, with this statement:
“Senator John McCain has consistently taken a strong pro-life position against abortion, has a strong pro-life voting record against abortion and opposes Roe vs Wade.”
Do Christians Need to Vote?
YES, and a thousand times, YES. In Proverbs 14:34, the Bible declares, “Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” Christians, and specifically, our Associational Baptist are obligated and should take every opportunity to elect state and national leaders who will advance and promote national righteousness.
Richard Pearcey, editor of the Pearcey Report states, “Authentic Christianity goes to the ends of the earth, into every aspect of life, including politics. There is no wall of separation between discipleship and the voting booth.
Voting and Choosing the Right Candidate
The internet has a wonderful site to assist you with this important decision. American Family Association Journal September, 2008 edition has an article on page 12 -13 that list the views of both political candidates on such issues as 1)pro-life, 2) homosexuality, 3) gay adoption, 4) same-sex marriage, etc.
These are important days and we must be strong for the faith and Christian values. You must be registered and you must go out on election day and vote. May we Christians not be listless and lazy on such important events.
The A.C.L.U. vs America by Alan Sears and Craig Osten, Broadman and Holman Publishers. The book shares how radical the American Civil Liberties Union makes its policies and liberal agenda. This is an excellent moral reading for pastors, teachers, educators and leaders. Topics are the ACLU vs Marriage, the ACLU vs Religion, the ACLU vs Christmas, etc. Cost is approximately $15.
Ms Adams and I joined hundreds of others as a guest at the American Family Association workers preview of the new Christian movie, “Fireproof” It is an outstanding attribute to the sacred institution of marriage. Make plans to see it with your family, a Sunday School group, your youth group or as a church outing. I ask our pastors and teachers to promote this, it glorifies our Lord.
Rev. James Gosnell, Michigan, has been married to Marva for 18 years and they have two daughters. James graduated from Midwestern Baptist College and has served churches in Michigan, Colorado and Missouri. He enjoys spending quality times with his “girls” He fishes with his youngest and goes to the bookstore with his oldest. We are so glad to have Bro. James on our Moral Action Committee trustee board.
New Testament, Sullivan, MO
Suburban Wood, Humble, TX
Bethel, St. Claire, MO
Cornerstone, Swartz Creek , MI
Bethany Missionary, St Louis, MO