I desire to provide you with as much Christian material and information as possible. The following are Moral Magazine Recommendations:
1. American Family Association Journal
P.O. box 2440
Tupelo, MS 38803
2. Focus On the Family “Citizen”
P.O. Box 35500
Colorado Springs, CO 80935
1-800-A-FAMILY (232-6459
3. “Focus On The Family” with Dr. Dobson
8605 Explorer Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
4. “Decision” Magazine
1 Billy Graham Parkway
Charlotte, NC 28201
Morality Web Site Links and Action Steps:
2. Www.afa.net (AFA Online)
3. Www.operationoutcry.org
4. Www.macbma.net (BMA online)
5. Www.citizenlink.com
6. Www.Alliancedefensefund.org
7. Www.TexasMoralAction.org
8. Www.heritagealliance.com
9. Www.lifeway.com/twl (True Love Waits)
10. Www.cacbma.net (Christian Action Commission - MS)
Morality Book Recommendations:
1. “The Secret Seductress”/Breaking the Destructive Cycle of Pornography- Dr. Mark Laaser
Serendipity House, 2007
1-800-525-9563 - Cost approximately $7.99
2. “The Culture Shift” Dr Albert Mohler, Jr
Multnomah Publishing - Cost approximately $14.99
3. “The Truth War” Fighting For Certainty In an Age of Deception -
Dr John MacArthur
Thomas Nelson Publishing - Cost approximately $22.99
4. “The ACLU versus America” Exposing the Agenda to Redefine Moral
Values - Alan Sears and Craig Osten -
Broadman Press - Cost approximately 14.99
5. “Rediscovering God in America” The Role of Faith in Our Nation’s History - Newt Gingrich
Integrity House - Cost approximately 14.99
These books would be great personal reading or gifts to your pastor, youth workers or Bible teachers.
Morality Series
January through April, 2009, I hope to write articles from a series that I prepared in sermon and writings entitled “Judeo-Christian Heritage” series. This is a thirteen-part series. They are:
January, 2009 Abortion, The Great Issue
February, 2009 Euthanasia, The Right to Die
March, 2009 Pornography, A Moral Plague
April, 2009 Homosexuality, The Real Problem
Highlighted Trustee of the Month:
Aaron Whitman is one of the Associate Pastors at Cornerstone Baptist Church, Swartz Creek, MI. He is married to Vicki and they have two children. He enjoys playing and watching softball, baseball, fishing, and reading. We are so glad to have Bro. Aaron on our trustee board. God bless, Bro. Aaron.
Highlighted Churches that Support the MAC:
Grace Temple, Arlington, TX
New Heights, Oklahoma City, OK
Midway, First, Sumrall, MS
Bethel, Forrest City, AR
Merry Christmas!
Ms Adams and I wish each reader a very “Merry Christmas” Join us in repeating these wonderful words this season as we “keep Christ in Christmas”
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